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Reading Outside


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  1. The information provided is for edification purposes only. Interpretation of the material is subject to the individual's worldview and doctrinal beliefs. This ministry is not responsible for how a person may perceive the information based on their personal bias or a lack of revelation.

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  3. While the content has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no human errors, neither the ministry nor any of its employees or owners shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in the content or for any damage you may suffer as a result of failing to do your own research. 

  4. Additional resources: any extra "recommended ministry material" from external ministries (see the Bookclub vault) requires continued testing of said ministry, use your own discernment and continually test the spirit. 

  5. Additional material used to teach from external sources does not mean I endorse that ministry/film/company or their beliefs. The viewer must exercise their own discernment. 

  6. By using our content, you accept personal responsibility for the results of your actions. You agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use, of the information. You agree to use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action that may be suggested or insinuated.

  7. Do your own research and always get a second or third opinion. 


  • You may not reproduce, reuse, republish, or reprint our content without our written consent. 


  1. This ministry uses AI technology to transcribe videos from audio to text for the purpose of the blog. The AI transcriptions are listed under the original video in the blog section. Transcriptions are used to search the website database for key words in order to track prophetic words. We offer no guarantee of AI accuracy and transcripts are merely a guide to signpost readers, we recommend you watch the original content for accuracy. 

  2. Transcribed subtitles may include spelling errors and incorrect words based on AI's interpretation of my accent.

  3. Technology used: 

    1. Veed


    3. Zoom's HD technology.- smoothing filter

    4. Movavi Video Editor 23

    5. Youtube's built in AI tools 

    6. TikTok's built in AI tools 

    7. Photopea

Meet The Team




The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

I AM that I AM

Ancient of Days

Alpha and Omega


Jesus Christ 

King of Kings

The High Priest after the order of Melchizedek

The Messiah

The Blood Sacrifice on the altar of YHWH

Bread of life

My everything

Image by Zugr

The Holy Spirit

The Ruach HaKodesh, Breath of God, Leader into all truth, Living Water, Fire of God, Dunamis power, The Anointing, The Spirit of Prophecy pointing to Jesus

The Comforter



Watchman on the wall, Teacher, Dreamer,

Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH

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