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Writer's picture: The Goshen FoundationThe Goshen Foundation

A list of Rumble only videos

Tags: covenant, Days of Noah, reset, COVID, rainbow, new age, new religion

Tags: weather manipulation, climate change, man made earthquakes, Disney decode, ripple, XRP, Stellar, XLM, DEW, Ships, Marine Kingdom, Covenants, build back better, 666, new age, new religion, immigration crisis, border control

Prophetic dream about a second pandemic that affects children.

Video tags: virus, pandemic, paralysis, blankets

Tags: cyber warfare, cyber event, cyber attack

Tags: storm, reset, bridges, Malta, Ripple

Tags: Rituals, reset timeline

Tags: Weak hands, Admonishment, Correction, Teachers are judged more strictly - teach correctly, do not mislead the body of Christ if you have a teaching platform, timing, child of Issachar, discern the seasons, read your bible, understand God's timeline, contracting yourself, leading people astray, rebuke, God will judge

Tags: millennial reign - The wealth transfer community has stated two things:

(1) XRP will be used in the millennial reign

(2) The millennial reign will start in 2027

Why I believe this is incorrect?

1. XRP is part of the beast system and will be used to enslave humanity; therefore it will fall away with the millennial reign.

  • A monetary system will not be used when Jesus governs the earth, certainly not a monetary system made by satan.

  • If money is used in the millennial reign it will be God's money - as stated in scripture - "the silver and gold are mine declares the Lord" - according to Haggai 2:8

2. The millennial reign requires several prerequisite prophecies to occur. These include the fulfilment of other prophecies such as:

  • (i) the building of the third temple,

  • (ii) the mark of the beast and

  • (iii) the revealing of the son of perdition.

All of which will not happen before 2027.

Jesus would not be instructing all the prophetic voices to build Goshen if he was coming to redeem the earth, this contradicts the message of the wealth transfer. Jesus is our Goshen, there will be no need for us to build a physical Goshen.

We are receiving wealth to build Goshen in preparation for Agenda 2030. The next big crisis.

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