hello everybody so today I'd like to discuss a dream that the lord gave me uh last week and um I dreamt about a bear and this bear was extremely large like extremely large um I would say imagine a 6-foot guy but three of him like just three of him right and I was in my home and I was um just carrying on with my business and the bear came out of nowhere at the back of me and it surprised me and I got such a fright and that when I was aware of it its presence I jolted um and so it was large be was black and it had brown on it and it it came by surprise and that was the dream and then I woke up after I jolted and when I was asking the Lord for an interpretation of this dream the Lord showed me two things the first thing he showed me is that there is going to be a surprise coming out of Russia a surprise attack coming out of Russia something will arouse the bear and the bear will Attack by surprise so that's the first thing that the Lord is showing me and the second thing that the Lord has showing me he took me to 2 Kings 2: 23 where's that 23 again and if you go to 2 Kings 20 2 Kings 223 um it speaks about Elisha and how there were 42 boys who were mocking Elisha and um they were jering Elisha and calling him baly right they're jering the man of God and calling him baly and these two bears came out of nowhere just like in my dream this this bear came out of nowhere this these two bears came out of nowhere and mored and killed all 42 boys right so there's a lesson here there's a lesson that everybody in the body of Christ why is the story in the Bible right about mocking a prophet and then out of nowhere these bears come and more more these two 42 guys so here's what the Lord is showing me the Lord was showing me to be careful what you say to certain or say about certain prophetic voes we all know that right I'm sure everybody knows that already um but the Lord was showing me something more than that you know that he he will avenge his people he Avenged Elisha for the mocking right in a similar way when I was meditating on this the Lord was showing me that every Joseph every Joseph has said something to a family member or they've said something to somebody that they really wanted to empower about this uh particular wealth transfer and they were probably mocked right they're probably mocked just like how Elisha was mocked in this particular story and the Lord is showing me that the bear um in the in the story of Elisha that attacked the the boys is also going to appear to attack those who mocked you right the bear that appeared out of nowhere is going to attack those people who mocked you right you were trying to tell them the correct thing and they chose to not heed the message or the voice of God and they ended up being attacked by the bear so there's a dual meaning because also the bear means that there's going to be a surprise bare market right there's going to be a surprise be Mark to actually is three millions to the stream that the Lord was asking me to relate to everybody there is going to be a surprise attack of the bear Market there's going to be a surprise attack from Russia the bear and there is going to be a Vindication of the prophets who have spoken the correct thing of the Lord and God is God is just in his measurements when it comes to defending his own when it comes to defending his people right and so there is going to be um there's going to be a Vindication for the Josephs right because all Josephs are a type of prophet you're a dreamer it's going to be a Vindication and for those people who [Music] um mocked the Joseph it is the bare Market that's going to actually end up killing them it's the bare Market that's going to kill them so I hope this blesses you remember there's three meanings to this stream there's going to be a surprise attack from Russia there's going to be a surprise bear market and the people who mocked you like how Elisha was mocked the Bears are going to appear out of nowhere and more than you see when we when we fail to heed when we fail to listen to what God is saying we end up or when we mock the things of God we end up doing ourselves a disservice because God will invariably not only justify His prophets but his words that he has spoken and what the Lord has been teaching me a lot about is that people don't like correction people don't like discipline people don't like judgment but these things are coming discipline is coming correction is coming judgment is coming these things are all part of the Bible the Bible's not just about Grace you know and I want you guys to put in the comments section what do you learn more from in life do you learn more from the staff you know the rod and the staff do you learn more from the staff or do you learn more from the rod right because the rod is just as important as the staff and if you continually giving people the staff and helping them and guiding them and they turn away from your kindness or your advice or your warnings then it's time for the rod it's time for the rod Russia might be a rod the bear might be a rod the bear is a rod anyway I love you guys remember that Joseph Joseph is represented by the ox in the Bible and the ox for Joseph means the bull and the bull means um while those experiencing the bare Market Joseph will experience the bull market anyway guys I know you know what I'm talking about I hope this has blessed you shabbat shalom
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