The Dinar & House of Destiny
3rd August 2024
The fall of the
Dinar and House of Destiny
This is what the Sovereign LORD GOD says:
"Listen, but they refuse to listen. See, but they are blind. Hypocrites! How they cling to their golden calf, the Dinar! The Dinar! Their lust and greed overflow.
When the Dinar fails—and it will—then you will believe. Pitchforks will come out for the House of Destiny as the people rage after their failed Dinar. Then they will say, 'Look! Kim Clement was a false prophet!' Only then will they believe.
The Dinar will fall and so too will the House of Destiny. Both will fail to bear fruit.
The Dinar will tarnish the reputation and credibility of the House of Destiny. The House of Destiny will fall just as the Dinar will fall. Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Your golden calf will be golden no more.
Exposure! Exposure! I will expose.
Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
They believed a strong delusion, and so it will be unto them. Their ego will perish with the delusion.
The head of the House of Destiny was Balaam, and Balaam will be exposed. Then you will see that Kim Clement was not a prophet but rather a harlot, a man who sold himself for wages.
Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The House of Destiny will tumble, just as the Dinar psyop tumbles.
Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Take note of all those who promoted the House of Destiny.
Exposure! Exposure! I will expose.
Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Warnings and a call to repentance
Meet The Team
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I AM that I AM
Ancient of Days
Alpha and Omega
Jesus Christ
King of Kings
The High Priest after the order of Melchizedek
The Messiah
The Blood Sacrifice on the altar of YHWH
Bread of life
My everything
The Holy Spirit
The Ruach HaKodesh, Breath of God, Leader into all truth, Living Water, Fire of God, Dunamis power, The Anointing, The Spirit of Prophecy pointing to Jesus
The Comforter
Watchman on the wall, Teacher, Dreamer,
Zaphenath-Pania, lover of the messiah Jesus, Bride, Remnant, Covenant keeper, worshipper of YHWH